Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First Days In Greece!

Day 1- After roughly 12 hours on two planes. I made it to Athens!!!! The weather is absolutely beautiful here. Hot, and humid ( much like Michigan) but just the culture and the architecture make me forget about the heat for the time I’m here . I met Morgan Cox at the airport and we took a taxi together to the Hostel that part of the group is staying at Disournous Hotel (spelling). It is a quaint little places, the rooms are nice. With a small little balcony facing the street. Morgan and I walked around a little bit, got slightly lost but hey thats part of the experience. We saw the Zippoleni (parliment building). and after multiple trys to find the entrance to the Acropolis we got to the gate just as it was closing :( So I didnt get to go up on the Acropolis and see the Parthenon up close, but I plan on coming back a day early to see it. After walking around, we went back and met some of the others girls in the program. Got ready, and headed to dinner with the entire group. We went to a small family restaurant that was 14 Euros for all of the food and wine you want. I decided to have a small pitcher of white wine, which was pretty good. and my table and I shared 12 plates of a variety of Greek food. All of which was very good. I have calamari for the second time in my life and it was as good as the first. After dinner some of us headed back to the hostel to sleep while others went to a bar with one of the professors (he’s pretty cool, very funny). I found the bed to be hard as a rock but I was so tired from not sleeping on my flight (crying babies) that I fell asleep.

Day 2- Waking up at 5:30am actually came very easy to me this morning, probably because I’m in a different country and so excited to start learning! The group checked out of the hostel and headed down to the bus. It was about a 15 minutes bus ride to the port to hop on a ferry. The ferry is HUGE!! Its like a cruise ship, but just a ferry. We are the first stop of the morning. Its about a 3-4 hour ferry ride to the island, which is totally worth it. It is a little foggy this morning, but hopefully it will clear up soon so I can take some more beautiful pictures. I figured out how to take black and white photos too! I got to see dolphins swimming near the boat this morning as well. More later, when I get to the island and get settled. We went and had a tour of where our school building is, which is in the middle of town! In the evening we had our welcome dinner, which was soo good! I am quickly falling in love with Greek food. I have yet to try something I don't like. After dinner on the water front, we went to the Saloon Door bar for a drink after dinner and just to chat and get to know each other. I have met so many cool girls in these past few days. We all get along so well! and of course I can't forget the only guy in the program (Dylan) He's an awesome dude and very funny to boot! 

Day 3- I woke up at 7:20 am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, which I think is the jet lag getting to me a little bit, but I don't have a problem with that. Since I got up so early I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. Once I walked down to the main common area, I ran into some of my fellow students that were headed to breakfast in town. I tagged along and we went to a beach front restaurant and ordered the BEST waffles I have ever had in my entire life, no joke. It was a big Belgian waffle with an assortment of fruit on it, with the perfect amount of honey! I can't wait to try to make it when I get home. I started classes today and am very excited to learn about Greek culture and about Photography. The photography class is pretty intimidating because we are required to shoot everything in Manual mode, and I have absolutely no background in the technical aspect of photography, so it should be very interesting to see what I can learn in these next three weeks! After class we met in the town square with our group and headed to a beach bar for dinner and dancing! Tonight I learned a little bit of Greek dance, and I got to smash plates and yell OPA without looking like a fool. I definitely had a great night and look forward to these next few weeks. Oh! and I had amazing Gelato for a lunch time snack! SOOO GOOD! 

Sorry for the delay on my blog folks! I haven't had internet access for a few days. So enjoy reading! 

Rissa <3 

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